I was always fascinated with how genes and the environment come together to shape behaviour, 

In my early twenties I completed a Social Science study after which I trained and worked five years at an organisation called Youth at Risk (YAR) with young offenders and their parents / carers. I have helped many young people to reshape their lives. It was the most challenging and rewarding life experience before having my own child. 

After training for over 5 years, in 2006 I completed my BA-Hons degree in Integrative-Relational Counselling (Middlesex University, London) and became a qualified therapist. I found a placement in the Guildhall in Kingston Upon Thames where I gathered experience working with people suffering from anxiety, eating issues, identity, depression, self harm, confidence and relationship struggles.   

I used to get annoyed when people said “You have no idea about having kids until you have them.” but having my son made me realise the only time I believed I was an expert, was before having him. Wow children really do reinvent your world…. Unfortunately they don’t come with a set of directions and effective parenting skills are learned, not inherited.

I’ve read countless articles trying to find the perfect parenting recipe. I considered a few options but quickly realised most tools worked either just in the moment or were profoundly beneficial for the parent only. I wasn’t looking for a quick fix. My aim was to find a way of parenting with dignity and respect that will give my son long term confidence, responsibility and problem-solving skills. When my son turned four I finally found what I was looking for. 

Positive Discipline philosophy completely reinvented me as a parent. The results are remarkable. I was so impressed, I desperately wanted to find out more. I completed my first two workshops in the USA in Washington DC and trained to become a certified parent / teacher educator for Positive Discipline at home and schools. I was extremely lucky to have the privilege to complete my third training (about early childhood) with Joy Merchese and Cheryl Ervin both fantastic course room leaders and authors of books for Positive Discipline.

Weather it’s counselling, educating parents or teachers, I love what I do. I’m passionate about life itself and people that are open to change. I strongly believe in what I practice and bring my diverse, well-grounded personal and educational experiences to my work.